The VertiCall softphone app is a product of Sipcentric Ltd (Sipcentric). Sipcentric places an extremely high level of importance on the privacy of the users of our products. To this extent, no user information is collected except when necessary for using a specific feature of our products (Apple Push Notification Service, for example) and is never shared with any third parties. The only time information is requested other than listed here is for use in troubleshooting technical issues. The user has the option to refuse in that case, though that may negatively affect our ability to resolve any issues.
Why the information is collected, what is collected and how it’s collected.
In order for Push Notifications to work, we must register your account remotely when Sipcentric VertiCall is in the background or closed on your iOS or Android device. To accomplish this, we transmit your account details to our server that handles push notifications over an https secure connection. This information is shared with no one and is erased immediately when the push instance expires or the user logs out of the application. Push Notifications is the only feature we currently offer that requires any collection of user information.
Pre-configured Settings
VertiCall has settings pre-configured for exclusive use with phone systems compatible with VertiCall. Sipcentric is in no way responsible for information you have shared with or is collected by attempting to connect the app with another provider. Providers should be contacted directly for information about their privacy policies.
If you have any questions or concerns about our privacy policy, please contact us at